Jack the Ripper Walks

Jack the Ripper Walks

Jack the Ripper Walks


Take the Jack the Ripper Tour. The tour will allow you to relive the Autumn of Terror of 1888. Follow in the steps of Jack the Ripper as he murdered his 5 victims over a 10 week period. Visit the places where he mutilated his victims in a most terrible manner. This tour is unique to all the rest as you will be able to fully grasp the sensation of the murderer himself.

Our walks are limited to just 35 people so you will feel part of a group of enthusiasts.

Please ensure you are at the Ten Bells at 6pm with the Tour commencing at 7pm from Aldgate East Tube Station (exit 2).

Event Registration Online for The Official Jack the Ripper Tour with Russell Edwards powered by Eventbrite

Read more about the Ten Bells Bell Pub Jack the Ripper.

In the mid-19th century, Britain experienced an influx of Irish immigrants, who swelled the populations of the major cities, including the East End of London. From 1882, Jewish refugees from pogroms in Tsarist Russia and other areas of Eastern Europe emigrated into the same area. The civil parish of Whitechapel in London’s East End became increasingly overcrowded. Work and housing conditions worsened, and a significant economic underclass developed. Robbery, violence and alcohol dependency were commonplace, and the endemic poverty drove many women to prostitution.

In October 1888, London’s Metropolitan Police Service estimated that there were 62 brothels and 1,200 women working as prostitutes in Whitechapel. The economic problems were accompanied by a steady rise in social tensions. Between 1886 and 1889, frequent demonstrations, such as that of 13 November 1887, led to police intervention and further public unrest. Anti-semitism, crime, nativism, racism, social disturbance, and severe deprivation fed public perceptions that Whitechapel was a notorious den of immorality. In 1888, such perceptions were strengthened when a series of vicious and grotesque murders attributed to “Jack the Ripper” received unprecedented coverage in the media.

Jack the Ripper Walks

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